Friday 14 November 2014

Stop the War Iraq 3: mission creep

The Stop the War Coalition's 'Day X' demonstra...
The Stop the War Coalition's 'Day X' demonstration as seen from the roof of the House of Commons. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Banners on STW march, September 2002. Taken by...
Banners on STW march, September 2002. Taken by William M. Connolley. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
centre (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
          the War Coalition

Iraq 3: mission creep

The UK's role in the third Iraq war is set to expand. In addition to drones, British troops are returning to the field and further mission creep is likely as politicians talk up the need for further military intervention in the Middle East.

It's important that we restate the arguments of the anti-war movement that have been vindicated again and again over the last 12 years of the War on Terror.

To support our campaigning work, Stop the War has produced a new 32 page leaflet which places the third Iraq war into historical context from the Gulf War of 1991, to Blair and Bush's illegal intervention in 2003, and the devastation these interventions have created across the region that has spread to Libya, Syria, and looks set to continue unless the West is forced to halt its disastrous foreign policy.

Iraq III: NO by Andrew Murray. £2 + £1 p&p. 10 copies for £15.

Buy online or from the Stop the War office by calling 020 7561 4830.

The latest on Iraq from the Stop the War web site

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